Recommendations on New Standards of Colposcopy Practice
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Save the Date!
2025 ASCCP
Scientific Meeting on Anogenital & HPV-Related Diseases
April 24-26, 2025
San Diego, CA
In-Person event registration also comes with access to the following online sessions (topics & speakers are subject to change) :
Empowering Affirming Care: Enhancing Cervical and Anal Cancer Screening for LGBTQIA+ Individuals
Lauren Abern, MD
Edward J. Wilkinson Best Paper Award of the Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease (JLGTD)
Jacob Bornstein, MD
Ten Tips for Improving the Patient Experience during Colposcopy
Patty Cason, MS, FNP-BC
The Critical Role of Colposcopy in Cervical Cancer Elimination Goals: Creative Strategies for Challenging Settings
Julia Gage, PhD, MPH
Diagnosis and Management of Cervical Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions in Pregnancy and Postpartum
Margaret Long, MD
Screening and Treatment of Cervical Cancers and other HPV-Related Diseases in Southeast Asia
Moderator: Joe Ng, MD
Genitourinary Syndrome Of Menopause (GSM)
Peter F. Schnatz, DO, MBA, FACOG, FACP, NCMP
LGBTQIA+ Competence: Health Disparities Drive Anogenital Disease
Introduce Current Situation of the Cervical Cancer Screening, Colposcopy Training, HPV Vaccination, Perianal and Valvular Lesions, and HPV Infection and Vaginal Microetiology in China.
Moderator: Chengquan Zhao, MD
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