Thank you for submitting your research to the 2021 ASCCP Scientific Meeting on Anogenital and HPV-Related Diseases!
Below is important information regarding meeting registration, poster presentations, how to confirm your participation, and more. Please be sure to read all the information below before accepting or declining your invitation to present your research as a Poster presentation. Once your response has been submitted, it cannot be changed.
Posters will be presented as a 5-10 minute on-demand presentation. A requirement of participation will be your availability to meet virtually with the technology team to record.
Participant Confirmation and Meeting Registration
- Please accept or decline the invitation to present your research as a Poster presentation by February 19th.
- You must be logged in with the ASCCP registered e-mail address and password associated with your abstract in order for your assignment to appear.
- To confirm your participation, please click here: