2025 Trainee Research Award
Application Deadline: December 15, 2023
The ASCCP is offering an award for research in the field of anogenital and HPV-related diseases. The purpose of this award is to provide seed funding to junior investigators to advance knowledge in the field of cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, or HPV disease and to present their research at the 2025 ASCCP Scientific Meeting.
The applicant must be within a health-related graduate or post-graduate training program (MD, NP, CNM, PA, PhD, or Masters) at the time the application is submitted.
Application Guidelines:
■ Input your Hypothesis, Specific Aims, Background and Significance, Study Design, and References.
■ Upload a research budget (no more than one page) and name the file LastName_Budget.
■ Upload an 'Other Support' form (see sample) and name the file LastName_FundingSupport.
■ Upload your Curriculum vitae and name the file LastName_CV.
■ Upload a letter of support from program director, departmental chair, or laboratory director and name the file LastName_SupportLetter.
For questions, please email info@asccp.org.
Award and Expectations:
The award is given in three parts:
1) $4,000 up front to provide support for research materials
2) Up to $1,000 after the 2025 ASCCP Scientific Meeting to offset travel costs to the meeting. (Receipts will be required)
3) The awardee will receive complimentary registration to the 2025 ASCCP Scientific Meeting to present.
■ Attendance at the 2024 ASCCP Annual Business Meeting to accept your award/check is not required. If you do no plan to attend, we will mail.
■ Attendance at the 2025 ASCCP Scientific Meeting to give a presentation of the research is required. If you cannot attend, the original $4,000 award must be returned to ASCCP, and the $1,000 travel allowance is forfeited.
■ It is expected that any paper drafted as a result of this award will be submitted first for consideration for publication to the Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease.
Submit Application