ASCCP-CSCCP Colposcopy Courses Successfully Held in Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen, China
Three ASCCP-CSCCP colposcopy courses were successfully held in the three largest cities in China from October 20-22, 2023, in Beijing, October 24-26, 2023, in Shanghai, and October 27-29, 2023, in Shenzhen. Three ASCCP faculty—Dr. Alan G. Waxman from the University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Dr. Christine Conageski from the University of Colorado Hospital, and Dr. Chengquan Zhao from the University of Pittsburgh Hospital—along with experts from CSCCP, attended the three training courses. Overall, 150 Chinese gynecologists nationwide participated in the three training courses. Read more.
9th CSCCP Annual Conference was successfully held in Beijing, China
The 9th Chinese Society of Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (CSCCP) Annual Conference held in Beijing from May 12th to 14th of 2023 was a resounding success. The conference theme is "Accelerating the elimination of cervical cancer - from the prevention to the management", aimed to foster a comprehensive and holistic approach to cervical cancer eradication achieved through exploring various strategies. Read More.
CSCCP-ASCCP Colposcopy Training Course was successfully held in Beijing, China
The CSCCP-ASCCP Colposcopy Training Course was successfully held on December 9th -11th, 2022 in Beijing. This is the 12th CSCCP-ASCCP colposcopy course. The previous courses took place in Beijing, Shanghai in 2017, Shenzhen, Hangzhou in 2018, Taiyuan, Shanghai, Beijing and Jinan in 2019, Beijing, Shanghai in 2021, and Shanxi in 2022. Drs. Alan Waxman, Christine Conageski and Chengquan Zhao from ASCCP and several other colposcopy experts from CSCCP attended the training course. More than 90 nationwide well-known gynecologists participated in the course. Read More.
CSCCP-ASCCP Advanced Colposcopy Training Courses Successfully Held in Taiyuan, China
The CSCCP-ASCCP Advanced Colposcopy Training Course was successfully held both online and in-person in Taiyuan, China from September 13 to 15, 2022. Drs. Min Hao and Zhilian Wang from the Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University organized this training course. Thirty-two Chinese gynecologists participated the course. The six major sections included in the course were screening and prevention of cervical cancer, colposcopy, interpretation of the latest HSIL guidelines, HPV genotyping and cytology, management of vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, and progress and updates in cervical cancer treatment. ASCCP experts, Drs. Alan Waxman, Christine Conageski, and Chengquan Zhao presented online at the training course. Read More.
CSCCP-ASCCP Advanced Colposcopy Training Courses Were Successfully Held in Shanghai and Tianjin, China
The National Colposcopy and HRA Technical Standardization Training Conference and the CSCCP-ASCCP Advanced Colposcopy Training Course were successfully held between November 11 and November 14, 2021 in Shanghai, China. Dr. Long Sui, CSCCP vice president and Dr. Qing Cong organized and the Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Fudan University hosted the conference. Read More.
ASCCP-CSCCP Colposcopy Course was successfully held in Beijing, China
ASCCP-CSCCP Colposcopy Course was successfully held between March 26th and March 28th, 2021 in Beijing. This was the 10TH ASCCP-CSCCP colposcopy course In China. Drs. Alan G. Waxman, Christine Conageski and Chengquan Zhao from ASCCP, and 10 other experienced Chinese gynecologists, and pathologists taught the course. More than 90 participants attended the course. Read More.